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Board and Train

Leave your dog with us for Professional Balanced Training!

Board and Train

3 Weeks of Fun (Could be shorter or longer)

  • Socializing with other dogs

  • Shaded yard to run in

  • The sounds and smells of a home environment

  • Free roam of the house

  • Daily 45 minute individual training lesson

  • Walks in public places including stores and the Clinton Square

  • Tons of tug of war and fetch

  • Treats galore!

Basic Obedience

Price: $2000

What Will My Dog Learn?


Attention getter



Leash Manners


Introduction to Ecollar/Prong


Behavior modification

Climb/Place Command

Control: It helps in controlling your dog's movements in various circumstances, such as when answering the door, during meal times, or when needing space.

Calm: The "Place" command can be utilized to encourage calm behavior, especially when your dog is overexcited or needs to settle down.

Safety: It ensures your dog's safety by directing them to a particular location away from potential hazards.

Training: It's an excellent tool for building boundary training and enhancing overall obedience.

Versatility: The command can be adapted for various scenarios to place your dog in specific locales, like their bed or crate

Leash Control

Loose leash walking offers numerous tangible benefits for both the dog and the owner. Some key benefits are:

  1. Enhanced Communication: Loose leash walking provides an excellent opportunity to improve communication between the dog and the owner. It teaches your dog to pay attention to your movements and cues, making the bonding experience more profound during walks.

  2. Promotes Focus: Loose leash walking helps hone your dog’s focus by teaching them to check in with you regularly. This focus results in a calmer and more relaxed walking experience.

  3. Eliminates Pulling: This method fundamentally discourages dogs from pulling, which is particularly important as pulling can lead to potential strain or injury for both the dog and the owner.

  4. Increases Enjoyment: Loose leash walking could turn a potentially stressful activity into a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for both the dog and its owner.

Sit Command

Firstly, it forms the foundation of good manners in dogs. A well-trained pup will assume the sitting position and stay put as soon as the hand signal or verbal cue is given, portraying good behavior.

Secondly, it provides a fundamental control tool, especially in various situations like crossing busy roads or encountering unfamiliar people or animals. Having your dog sit on command in such instances prevents potentially dangerous scenarios, ensuring their safety.

Finally, the "Sit" command is one of the first and most crucial skills that an owner should teach their dog. It's a good way to get dogs to remain still, making it easier for owners to manage them.

Down Command

Control: Like "Sit", it is an essential basic command that helps control your dog in various situations. Restricting your dog's movement when necessary prevents possible mishaps.

Calming Effect: "Down" naturally inhibits a dog's activity and can help calm an overexcited or anxious dog.

Convenience: It's useful in social situations where you require the dog to stay in one place for an extended time, like when you're eating or entertaining guests.

Hierarchy: This command reiterates your position as the pack leader, reinforcing a healthy relationship between the owner and the dog.

Good Manners: Teaching "Down" reinforces good manners during mealtimes and when visitors are around.


The 'Recall' command teaches a dog to come to you immediately when called. This command is crucial for the dog's safety in potentially dangerous situations, such as when the dog might run out into the road, approach other dogs or animals, or get lost in a crowded place. By responding effectively to the 'Recall' command, the dog can avoid danger and return safely to their owner. Furthermore, it is an essential element in fostering a useful communication system between the dog and the owner.

Behavior modification includes:

excessive barking, chewing/destructive behavior, digging, jumping on people, nipping/play biting, chasing other animals/people, begging, mounting, leash pulling, counter surfing, potty training, crate training

Week One - Bonding, Attention Getter, Climb, Free, Leash Manners


Week Two - Sit, Down, recall and introduction to e-collar if applicable


Week Three – Heel; loose leash walking in public


One Private Lesson Each Week

  • We will dedicate one hour to one-on-one private instruction with you here at our facility. You are encouraged to bring family members that interact with the dog along.

  • We will focus on your goals whether it is beginning, intermediate, or advanced obedience or stopping problematic behaviors.

  • You will learn the most important principles of dog training.

  • Hands on learning where you take the leash and practice with your dog.

Learn the Principles of Dog Training

  • Timing, Consistency, Motivation, Markers, Tone of Voice, Leash Pressure

Specialized Obedience

Price: $2500-$3500

Covers everything in Basic Obedience plus:

CGC Training

Public Access Training

Introduction to Emotional Support Animal

Introduction to Service Dog Training

Behavior Rehabilitation

Behavior Rehabilitation Includes: (Treatment of Fears, Phobias, Anxiety and Aggression)


Fears: Fear of thunderstorms, fireworks, veterinarian, strangers, visitors, stairs, objects

Anxieties: Separation anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, ADHD, rescue dog/new home, environmental, noise anxiety

Phobias: Car, public, babies crying, children, men, enclosed spaces

Aggression: Possessive (resource) aggression, Play aggression, Territorial aggression, Human-directed aggression, Pain induced aggression, Predatory aggression, Irritable/conflict/impulse aggression, Fear aggression, Anxiety aggression

Advanced Obedience

Price: $2500 (If your dog graduated from our Basic or Intermediate program the price is $2000)

Covers everything in Basic Obedience but taking it up to a higher level.

CGC Training

Advanced recall

Drop it

Leave it

Sit/Down stay

Off leash heeling

Advanced place

Advanced Recall:

Advanced recall, in the context of dog training, refers to a higher level of recall training where the dog consistently responds to recall commands regardless of various distractions and in different environments. The goal of advanced recall is to ensure the dog's safety and reliability by conditioning them to return immediately to the handler on command.


This training usually begins with basic recall where the dog is taught to return to the handler in a controlled, distraction-free environment. As the dog becomes proficient in responding to the command, the level of distraction is gradually increased, and the training environment becomes more complex. This progress from controlled conditions to real-world environments with multiple distractions is what sets advanced recall apart.


Drop-It Command

Safety: It can prevent your dog from swallowing dangerous or harmful objects, presenting potential health risks. Quickly instructing your dog to release the object can protect them from injury or poisoning.

Control: The "Drop It" command allows owners to maintain control over what their dogs pick up, avoiding undesirable behaviors like grabbing items off counters or picking up trash on walks.

Resource Guarding: Teaching "Drop It" early on can discourage resource guarding tendencies, as it helps ensure that your dog willingly surrenders items.

Play: Establishing a reliable "Drop It" command enhances playtime by enabling seamless toy exchange, making activities like fetch more enjoyable.

Successful Training: In combination with other commands, "Drop It" plays a valuable role in solidifying obedience and positive behavior in your dog.


Training a dog for off-leash heeling generally starts with basic heel training on a leash and gradually progresses to more complex scenarios that include distractions, different environments, and eventually off the leash training.

Leave it command:

The "Advanced Leave It" command in dog training is an elevated level of the basic "leave it" command where your dog is taught to ignore or avoid not just objects they could pick up, but also ignore distractions in their environment or even break their focus from something they are already engaged in.


In basic "Leave It" training, the dog is taught to move its attention away from an object in its immediate vicinity, like a piece of food or a toy. The advanced level of "Leave It" training involves teaching the dog to resist more enticing distractions. These could be other animals, people, or interesting smells on a walk.


Training a dog to master this command can increase their level of obedience and potentially prevent them from encountering dangerous situations. For example, if your dog is fixated on a squirrel across the street, an advanced leave it command could prevent your dog from darting into traffic.


'Sit' with an Implied Stay at and extended distance and with distractions:

"Sit with implied stay" refers to a practice in dog training where the command "stay" is considered inherent in the "sit" command. Essentially, when a dog is given the command to sit, it is expected to maintain that position until given another command or released.


This technique allows the handler to forego the use of a separate "stay" command and instead teaches the dog to understand that commands like "sit" imply that they should maintain their position until given further instruction. The dog learns to hold the sitting position until released, whether the handler has moved away or not.


This approach simplifies the communication between the handler and the dog, enhancing the effectiveness of training and obedience. It's a valuable tool in developing a well-disciplined and well-behaved dog.

‘Down’ Command:

The "Advanced Down Command," similar to other advanced training commands in dog training, refers to teaching your dog to obey the "down" command under various conditions and distractions.


While "down" is a fundamental command where a dog is taught to lie down on command, the advanced version of this command involves practicing this in multiple environments, with various levels of distractions present, often from longer distances, and for extended periods of time.


This mastery level of the down command can prove useful in many situations. For instance, it could prevent a dog from jumping on guests or running towards other dogs or people. It is also beneficial in reinforcing the general discipline and control of the dog.

Off leash Heeling:

Off-leash heeling is an advanced form of dog training where a dog walks in perfect stride with their handler without needing a leash for control or guidance. Trained dogs will maintain their position (typically with their shoulder or neck level with the handler's leg) regardless of the handler's speed or direction changes.

Advanced 'Place' Command:

In dog training, the "place command" generally refers to teaching a dog to go to a designated spot, such as a mat or a bed, and remain there until released. This command can be useful in a variety of situations, like when visitors arrive or when the handler needs the dog to stay in a specific location.


"Advanced place” involves increased distractions, distance, or duration of the command. For example, having the dog maintaining their place during various distractions or having the dog remain in place for an extended period of time.

Behavior modification includes:

excessive barking, chewing/destructive behavior, digging, jumping on people, nipping/play biting, chasing other animals/people, begging, mounting, leash pulling, counter surfing, potty training, crate training


Transitioning Home


The purpose of this information is to help you in the adjustment of your newly trained family member, and will provide assistance in making a smooth transition for your dog and family.

You must establish your leadership role. You should discuss with your family what the dog is allowed to do, what is unacceptable behavior and where, within your home, the dog is allowed to go. Establish rules that everyone can enforce. For example, will your dog be allowed on the furniture? If everyone in the household enforces the same rules for your pet, it will help to keep him/her from getting confused. Many studies have been conducted on canine behavior and research shows that if a dog feels it has no leader, or its leader is not strong enough to protect it, it must become the leader. This process begins the minute you take the leash. It is important that during this time you remain calm so as not to excite the dog or make him/her anxious. The overall goal is to let your dog know that you are his/her leader and that you can protect and care for him/her otherwise, he/she will feel the need to become the leader and protector. If you allow this to occur, it can lead to unwanted behavior. You are his/her new pack leader, and he/she is a member of your pack. Training begins the moment I hand the leash to you, your dog is reading your body language and assessing your emotions. Remember to remain calm and be confident do not let the excitement of having your dog back ruin this first training session you have with him/her.

You must set boundaries. Remember, the goal is to have a well mannered pet that you can take with you anywhere. By setting and reinforcing those boundaries, you will achieve this goal. As hard as it is to believe, your dog needs to know what you expect of him/her. From this moment forward, you are his/her leader.

You need to be diligent with his obedience commands and offer praise and reward as often as possible to keep him in practice. In the beginning, you may need to offer small treats to get him/her to respond to you and your commands, but very shortly, he/she will work for you, simply for your praise and acceptance. Remember, what your dog wants most in the world is to please you, but he/she has to know what is expected in order to be able to do that. The key to your success is consistency and praise. When you hear praise and reward - that doesn't always mean food. At first, it may require some food treats, new challenges often require food treats, but over a relatively short period of time, you should be able to phase treats out so that they are really just that, a treat, and not an incentive to perform in an expected manner.

The most crucial training is not when you are in a scheduled or formal training session, but during normal, everyday interaction with your dog. When you give your dog attention, regardless of positive or negative, you are reaffirming an action. So remember, praise and treat positive behavior, and when possible, ignore unwanted behavior since the most important thing to your dog is your attention. If you must address an unwanted behavior, simply use the "no" or the "leave it" command and continue on as if it is no big deal. The more you react to a situation, the more reward your dog gets from it. Do not reward negative behavior.

Examples of actions deserving of a reward may be: When your dog approaches you, reward him/her while his/her four feet are on the ground, or even better, when he/she sits down, either with treats or with praise and petting. If your dog jumps on you, give the "off" command and put him/her in the sit position and wait for him/her to calm down. The moment he/she is calm, not jumping and all four feet are on the ground, reward him/her. He/she will quickly learn that the behavior that gets him/her the reward is the calm behavior of not jumping. Another example may be while you are sitting and watching television, or simply standing and having a conversation with a friend, and your dog comes and lies at your side, instantly reward him/her, even if it's just with some praise and a pat under the chin. This will reaffirm that calm is the behavior you desire.

It is also important to remember that dogs have no failures. Every failure or accident by a dog is a failure on the part of its master. So, if a dog has accidents in the house, it is likely the owner did not take it outside often enough. Likewise, if a dog chews up the furniture, scratches the doors or destroys the carpet, the owner did not confine it in a safe enough area or crate to keep that from happening.

Until you know your dog and know what to expect from him/her, it is best to err on the side of caution. Trust must be earned between the two of you. Your dog has to learn you will protect and train him/her, and you have to learn how much freedom to allow him/her. It is important to remember that dogs are often ignored except when they are jumping, mouthing, or displaying improper social behaviors. To a dog who regularly gets no attention, its reward is its owner's attention, regardless if that is positive or negative. If you only give attention to your dog when he is misbehaving, you have reinforced negative behavior with your attention. To alter this training, you must consistently reward good behavior, ignore negative behavior, and interact with your dog as often as possible. Dogs strive to please their owners, so repeated rewards for proper behavior will result in you gaining a companion and a lifelong friend.

While in the Dalmatia BnB training program, I began the process to train your dog to be well behaved, well mannered and have corrected any negative behaviors known to me. NOW IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, AS A PET OWNER, TO MAINTAIN HIS/HER TRAINING, AND TO SET AND ENFORCE THE RULES OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD. TRAINING NEVER STOPS WITH A DOG. I've provided your dog with the training he/she needed, now you must continue on.


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309 E Ohio St, Clinton, MO 64735, USA


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